Translation Report: Hanayama Dam


All images from Wikipedia “Hanayama Dam”


Another dam project, this time on the Hanayama Dam in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. This project is probably the longest article I have translated so far and had a few challenges, notably finding appropriate English terms, that had to be surmounted.


Hanayama Dam’s Sluice Gates


Translation Process

The CAT software used, OmegaT, is the same as before. While the process did not change much, I did modify a few settings within OmegaT to make it more easy to use, such as adding an integrated spell checker. This translation project did refer to a large number of terms with unique Japanese names, so I had to spent quite a bit of effort checking to see if an appropriate English translation already existed before making one myself. 


Thoughts Moving Forward

This project was a good exercise in translating a large amount of text in a relatively short amount of time. While there are certainly difficulties in ensuring accuracy, the ability to also learn about the how something like a dam is deeply connected with its surrounding area’s history is fascinating, and I look forward to taking on more projects like this one in the future. 


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