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Project Report: Kana and Kanji Conversion

The link to the GitHub directory is near the bottom of the page! GitHubディレクトリのリンクは本ページの下側にあります。 Creating an Extension that Converts Between Kyūjitai/Shinjitai and Historical/Modern Kana Orthography The extension’s GUI Introduction This post may be seen as a follow-up post on traditional kana orthography and kyūjitai that I made this time last last year. In it, I created a …

Project Report: Kana and Kanji Conversion Read More »

Project Report: Kyūjitai and Historical Kana

The download button is near the bottom of the page!ダウンロードボタンはページの下側にあります。 Update: Dynamic Converter Extension Now Available I have managed to modify an existing Google Chrome extension originally made for converting Simplified/Traditional Chinese to make it work for Japanese kanji and kana (note that the kana convert functionality can cause lag on more complex webpages). See …

Project Report: Kyūjitai and Historical Kana Read More »

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